Benefits Of Eating Whole Grains Daily

Benefits Of Eating Whole Grains Daily

Whenever you hear the term whole grains mentioned in a conversation, you usually think about foods such as whole wheat and brown rice. The reasons why these foods are called whole grains are because unlike processed or refined grains, they have the germ, endosperm and bran.

Another important difference between whole grains and refined grains is that the former can sprout and grow. It has been recommended by the American Heart Association that you should have 6 servings of whole grains in your daily diet to reduce the risk for cardiovascular diseases. If you are able to regularly eat the required amount of servings of whole grain, you will not only have the appropriate number of calories in your daily diet, you will also be reducing the risk of developing other diseases in your life and that is definitely a good thing.

Whole grain foods are very rich in carbohydrates. The human body uses them for energy, but you may be asking yourself why you need so many daily servings. The truth behind this is that your body actually consumes calories when it is breaking down the food. This energy cost is referred to as the thermic effect of food or TEF for short. When you eat more meals during the day, you end up burning more calories due to TEF. By eating more frequently, you also avoid overeating because when you do get hungry, you will not eat as much. You need to keep in mind that this only applies if you are eating the right types of foods such as whole grains.

Another benefit from eating whole grains is that it reduces the risk for hypertension and it can help control the disease. This disease is a major cause of cardiovascular complications such as heart attack and stroke. It is a known fact that eating whole cereals for breakfast can reduce your chances for developing heart disease by as much as 29 percent. Your chances of becoming obese or contracting diabetes are also reduced as they are also risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. When it comes right down to it, there is nothing better than whole grains to reduce the risks of these diseases.

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