Ten Habits For More Brain Power

Ten Habits For More Brain PowerBy: Alvah Parker

A recent issue of a magazine includes a list of 10 activities to boost your brain health. The list includes many activities I would call important for overall wellness. In this competitive environment there is a tendency to forget health and focus intensely on a job search. It is important to take a step back and make sure that we are taking care of ourselves too. You may want to try a few of these 10 activities:

1.Go for a walk with a friend. The article suggests walking with a friend so that you talk as you walk. Social connection, physical exercise and mental stimulation are brain strengtheners. I’d add that the exercise is good for weight control and also stress control.

2.Add variety to your life. Do not follow a set routine day after day. Wake up your brain with something new. Try a new route to the office. Go to a new networking group. Memorize a new poem.

3.Be a Life Long Learner. Study something in depth. This is good for your brain and your career. Learn a new language and begin to speak and write it. (I just started an improvisation class which is good for my brain and fun!)

4.Solve Puzzles/Play games – Try cross word puzzles, Sudoku, bridge and/or chess. They suggest trying to beat the clock because that inspires quicker thinking. In my improv class games we have to think of a word on the beat of a rhythm started by the instructor. It is not easy but you do get better at it with practice. Reminds me of a Miss Mary Mac, a game I played as a child.

5.Clear the mind – Use meditation, yoga or a walk in the woods to help clear your mind. Most of us have very active minds today. Some of the chatter is noisy and negative. It is important to regularly take time to clear your mind. While you are at it take some deep breaths to cleanse your mind and body.

The Importance Of Health And Wellness Including The Proper Use Of Herbal Products

The Importance Of Health And Wellness Including The Proper Use Of Herbal ProductsBy: Carmina Johnstar

The significance and magnitude of health and wellness has positively come to the forefront of the health business in the preceding decade. With the baby boomer generation approaching or entering their senior years, strained health and medical services, and the understanding by greater numbers of individuals of the limitations of medical science, humanity has urbanized an increasingly outstanding attitude of responsibility towards one’s own health and wellness.

The meaning of health and wellness is reflected by the fact that diets, , fitness facilities, spas, weight loss programs, exercise programs and equipment , nutritional supplements and leisure groups of all sorts are now routine in our everyday lives. A number of of these changes are motivated by the great demands and long waits for treatment in the health care system, but also by the desire of the working generation for a more active lifestyle after retirement, with the hope of being fit and well enough to partake in their special activities. For these goals to manifest into realism the foundation of good health must be developed throughout life, not just to try to fix the damage after it’s been done.

On the other hand, herbal products are everywhere but before you start taking herbal products, ensure that they won’t act together with any other medications that you are already taking. You can inquire to your physician about that. For instance, some herbs will thin your blood and the other will thicken your blood. If you are one of those who need blood thinners to cope with the present health problem, adding either one will not skew your numbers, but may be life-threatening.

Effective Tips For Mental Wellness

Effective Tips For Mental Wellness
By: Powelljohny

It is nothing surprising that we all think of our physical well being. We concentrate on our diet; we do exercise and go for timely medical check up etc. But have you ever thought that you also need to put a little effort for your mental wellness. Maintaining your mental or emotional well-being is not a very easy task. Balancing all the aspects of your life may seem quite difficult. When everything is in your favor life seems beautiful. On the contrary when difficulties arise you feel insecure and restless. But your life can not be smooth all the time. Difficulties will arise and you will overcome them. The problem is that when we face a crisis we loose our mental balance.

Anger, grief, sorrow, tension are all part of life. However if these emotions become overwhelming and all consuming they can ruin your peace and spoil your relationship with the people around you. Therefore it is necessary to keep your emotions under control. If you want to control your emotions the first thing you need to learn is how these emotions evolve. Once you know how they manifest it will be easier for you to cope with your emotions.

If you are looking for some tips to maintain your emotional wellness this article may help you. Go through the guideline given below.

Be Confident: This is the most important thing. No one on this earth is perfect. Each of us has some positive and negative qualities. We need to recognize them, accept them and try to eradicate your negative qualities and try to achieve your goal with whatever you have.

Keep Fit: Though the concept of eating healthy and doing exercise is generally associated with physical well being, have you ever thought that it can also affect your mental wellness? Balanced diet, yoga, meditation, adequate sleep and reduced stress can actually help you to enjoy life.